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Glass / Carafe / Bottle

  • Junmai Daiginjo € 14 / 55 / 78

    The pinnacle of the sake world, this sake is made with rice polished to at least 50%, resulting in a light, fragrant, and complex flavor profile. Perfect for those who appreciate the finer nuances of sake.

  • Ginjo € 14 / 55 / 78

    With rice polished to 60%, Ginjo sake offers a delightful aroma and a refined, fruity taste. It's a great choice for those new to sake, providing a harmonious balance of flavor and smoothness.

  • Junmai € 14 / 55 / 78

    This pure rice sake, with no added alcohol, highlights the true essence of sake. It has a fuller body and a slightly acidic profile, making it an excellent companion to a wide range of dishes.

  • Honjozo € 14 / 55 / 78

    Light and easy to drink, Honjozo sake has a small amount of brewer's alcohol added, enhancing its aroma and flavor. It's a versatile sake that pairs well with a variety of foods.

  • Nigori € 14 / 55 / 78

    Unfiltered and creamy, Nigori sake has a distinctive cloudy appearance and a sweeter, more robust flavor. It's an excellent choice for those who prefer a richer sake experience.

  • Sparkling Sake € 14 / 55 / 78

    A refreshing and modern take on traditional sake, this bubbly option is light, sweet, and perfect for celebrations or as an aperitif.

  • Aged Sake (Koshu) € 14 / 55 / 78

    Matured for several years, Koshu sake develops deep, rich flavors reminiscent of nuts and dried fruit. It's a unique and luxurious choice for the connoisseur looking to explore aged varieties.



  • Asahi Super Dry € 8

    Renowned for its crisp, refreshing taste and dry finish, Asahi Super Dry is a favorite among beer enthusiasts. Its clean, no-nonsense character makes it a versatile companion to any meal.

  • Sapporo Premium Beer € 8

    Sapporo Premium Beer is a classic Japanese lager that's both rich and smooth. With its golden hue and balanced malt flavor, it's a delightful choice for those who enjoy a beer with depth yet easy drinkability.

  • Kirin Ichiban € 8

    Made with a unique "first press" process, Kirin Ichiban is a smooth, full-bodied beer with a complex flavor profile that includes a slight hoppy bitterness and a crisp finish. It's perfect for those who appreciate the subtleties of a well-crafted lager.

  • Hitachino Nest White Ale € 8

    This Belgian-style white ale from the Kiuchi Brewery is a standout with its hints of coriander, orange peel, and nutmeg. Its slightly fruity and spicy notes make it an excellent choice for those looking to explore beyond traditional lagers.


  • Yebisu Premium € 8

    Yebisu Premium is a rich and smooth lager with a well-balanced taste, combining a subtle bitterness with a malty sweetness. Its sophisticated flavor profile makes it a premium choice for discerning beer lovers.

  • Suntory The Premium Malt's € 8

    This pilsner-style beer is crafted with select malt and aromatic hops, offering a harmonious blend of deep flavor and a pleasant aroma. Suntory The Premium Malt's is celebrated for its quality and refined taste, perfect for those who enjoy the finer things.

  • Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale € 7

    An intriguing and unique beer, Hitachino Nest Red Rice Ale blends traditional red rice with hops and barley, resulting in a distinctive pink hue and a complex flavor profile that hints at sake. This choice is ideal for adventurous palates seeking something out of the ordinary.

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Glass / Bottle


  • NV Akashi-Tai Sparkling Sake € 16 / 60

    A delightful sparkling sake with a gentle fizz, offering a refreshing and slightly sweet taste with notes of ripe fruit. Perfect as an aperitif or to celebrate special occasions.

  • Choya Sparkling Ume Wine € 16 / 60

    A unique sparkling wine made from Japanese ume plums, providing a sweet and tart flavor with effervescence. An excellent choice for those seeking a refreshing and fruity alternative to traditional sparkling wines.


  • Katsunuma Jyozo Aruga Branca Clareza € 16 / 60

    A crisp and aromatic white wine from Yamanashi Prefecture, made from the Koshu grape. It offers a delicate balance of acidity and fruitiness, with subtle citrus and floral notes.

  • Grace Gris de Koshu € 16 / 60

    This elegant white wine is also made from the Koshu grape, known for its pale color and refreshing taste. It features hints of green apple and white peach, with a clean, mineral finish.


  • Suntory Japan Premium Merlot € 16 / 60

    A smooth and velvety Merlot with rich flavors of dark cherry and chocolate, complemented by a hint of oak. It's well-balanced and suitable for a variety of dishes.

  • Tomita Brewery Ruby Roman € 16 / 60

    A rare and exquisite red wine made from the luxurious Ruby Roman grapes, offering a lush and sweet taste with a deep red color. It's an exceptional choice for those looking to indulge in a unique wine experience.


  • Tokyo Mule € 14

    A Japanese twist on the classic Moscow Mule, this cocktail blends vodka with fresh lime juice and ginger beer, garnished with a slice of cucumber for a refreshing and zesty experience.

  • Sakura Martini € 14

    An elegant cocktail that captures the essence of cherry blossoms, combining gin, cherry liqueur, and a dash of vermouth. Served with a cherry blossom garnish, this drink is as beautiful as it is flavorful.

  • Yuzu Highball € 14

    A vibrant and bubbly cocktail featuring Japanese whisky, yuzu juice, and soda water. The citrusy tang of yuzu pairs perfectly with the smoothness of the whisky for a refreshing highball.

  • Matcha Mojito € 14

    A green tea-infused take on the classic Mojito, this cocktail mixes rum, matcha syrup, fresh lime juice, mint leaves, and soda water, offering a unique and invigorating twist.

  • Umami Mary € 14

    A savory and complex variation of the Bloody Mary, incorporating tomato juice, vodka, soy sauce, wasabi, and a splash of sake. Garnished with a pickled plum, it's a bold and flavorful choice.

  • Rising Sun € 14

    A fruity and vibrant cocktail that combines sake, Aperol, fresh grapefruit juice, and a hint of lemon, creating a beautifully layered drink that's both tart and slightly sweet.

  • Ginger Lychee Martini € 14

    An exotic and aromatic cocktail featuring vodka, lychee liqueur, fresh ginger, and a touch of lime. Served with a lychee garnish, it's a delightful fusion of flavors.

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  • Sparkling Yuzu Lemonade € 5

    A fizzy and refreshing blend of yuzu juice and lemonade, topped with sparkling water for a citrusy burst of flavor, perfect for a refreshing pick-me-up.

  • Matcha Latte € 5

    A creamy and soothing beverage made with high-quality matcha powder and steamed milk, offering a rich and earthy flavor with a hint of natural sweetness.

  • Hibiscus Iced Tea € 5

    A vibrant and tart iced tea brewed with hibiscus flowers, known for its deep ruby color and health benefits, served sweetened or unsweetened according to preference.

  • Cucumber Mint Cooler € 5

    A crisp and invigorating drink combining fresh cucumber juice, mint leaves, and a splash of lime, topped with soda water for a light and refreshing thirst quencher.

  • Shirley Ginger € 5

    A twist on the classic Shirley Temple, mixing ginger ale, grenadine, and a squeeze of fresh orange juice, garnished with maraschino cherries for a sweet and spicy treat.

  • Pineapple Basil Smash € 5

    A tropical and herbaceous mocktail muddling fresh pineapple and basil with lime juice and a touch of agave syrup, topped with crushed ice for a fruity and refreshing blend.

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Ordem mínima €25 | Raio de 5 km
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